
Showing posts from June, 2018

States’ claim on fighting plastic only strong on paper

While Maharashtra may be gearing up for a stringent ban on plastic, experience from across the country suggests that States’ claims on reigning in plastic are stronger on paper than on the ground. According to the Centre’s Plastic Waste Management (PWM) Rules, 2016, all States have to annually apprise the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) on the steps taken to reign in plastic use, whether a ban is in force, and the strength and performance of a recycler and waste-processing network. The latest such report — as of July 2016 — notes that only 24 States and Union Territories have complied with these directions.  Most States, while claiming a ban, qualify it by saying that the ban is imposed in specific towns or cities. Or that it is focussed on particular categories of plastic. Take Assam. Its performance report states that while there is a “complete ban” on plastic carry bags in Kamrup, Sonitpur, Nalbari, Dibrugarh, it allows the import of “substandard plastic carry bags”, p

National Citizenship Register in Assam असम में राष्ट्रीय नागरिकता के विषम हालात

 The second and final draft of the National Citizenship Register in Assam is to come out on June 30 as the guest is approaching Assam Government Coppola preparations have been tightening the security preparations. The register will decide who is a legitimate citizen of Assam and who is illegal There was a need to prepare such a register in Assam only in the country because it is the most affected by the infiltration of the infiltration from Bangladesh. It is understandable that the infiltration of the population in this state has changed in the state. The Muslim population in Assam in 1971 was 24.56 percent, now it is 34.22% in 2011 population. Muslim population in Assam This method is the national average in this period More the  It should be known that Pakistan's territory on Pakistan's territory in Pakistan has now been written by Bangladesh Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in his book, Mix of the Independent, that there is no dispute about Kashmir from India, but As

The EB-5 visa program ' Donald Trump

Navigatio Home india Trump Administration aims to introduce EB-5 visa program for foreigners including Indians The EB-5 visa program provides green cards to foreigners who invest at least $ 1 million in the US. After China and Vietnam, India is the third highest point of the EB-5 visa application. Updated: June 23, 2018 08:57:33 By PTI U.S. President Donald Trump stopped at the White House before signing the executive order on immigration policy U.S. President Donald Trump stayed at the White House before signing the executive order on immigration policy. (Reuters file photo) The Trump Administration has urged the US Congress to improve or eliminate the EB-5 Investor Visa Program, which provides green cards to foreigners who invest at least $ 1 million in the US, which provide approximately 10 permanent full-time jobs Produce. This step comes from the Trump administration, among the growing reports of misuse of foreign citizens or fraud. Top US MPs are also opposing the E

administrative improvement

After World War II, in order to improve the efficiency of the administration in many countries, systematic and organized efforts are being made, the sense of improvement in the field of management has gained more importance after the end of World War II. Process and Process An organization automating the use of automated machines And the award and training schemes and development executed program some tips that went used to achieve the desired result  This modern effort of reform in the administration was started systematically from the beginning of the 18th century, which was primarily in the field of industry. In the last 10 men of the 19th century, some famous names related to the reform movement that started towards administrative reforms Type is the study of the construction system of the Alpine form in 1708 to 1794 in France's Girodol feet, four of England The invention of the differential engine in 18 to 71 AD by Dells Babbage 1793 sp, which is the ancestor of today


                         Shahjahan    • Who became the successor of the state after Jahangir's death North shah jahan  • What was the real name of Shah Jahan  North-end  • What was the name of Shah Jahan's mother  Answer: Jupiter Yogi was the daughter of King Uday Singh of Jodhpur. • When was the birth of Shah Jahan  Answer-January 5, January 1982 • Where was the birth of Shah Jahan Answer: When was Shahjahan married in Lohore in 1612 • Shah Jahan was married to whom? North -Arjumand Bano Begum Mumtaz Begum  • Arjumand Bano Begum, whose daughter was North-Ashfaq Khan who was brother of Noorjahan • Which title did Shah Jahan confer on his wife? Answer: By the title of Emmya A Jawani • When was the enthronement of Shah Jahan Answer-1628 °  • What title did Shah Jahan take after post-apocalyptic North-Abdul Muzaffar Saheb Uddin Mohammed Shahid Kiran Ahasani • What title did Shah Jahan give to Mahavat Khan?  Answer-room  • Where are the other times of

Indus Valley Civilization- IAS IPS

                                  • Indus Valley Civilization What is the name of India's oldest civilization Answer = Civilization of Indus Valley • What are the names of the Indus Valley Civilization and other names? Answer = Harappan civilization, Indus civilization  • Why is this civilization called Harappa civilization  Answer = Because the first relic of this civilization was received by Harappa  • Where is the dispersion of this civilization from where? Answer: From Jammu Kashmir to the mouth of the Narmada river in the north and from Makran coast of Balochistan to Meerut in the north • What is the name of the main destinations of Indus Civilization Answer = Mohanjodaro Harappa Lothal Kalibanga Banmali and Ropar • In which states of India was the expansion of the Harappan civilization Uttar = Rajasthan Gujarat Punjab Haryana J & K and Western Uttar Pradesh • How was the size of civilization of Indus Valley Ans

हरप्पा सभ्यता “ भारत का इतिहास 2021

 सिंधु घाटी की सभ्यता भारत का सबसे प्राचीन सभ्यता का नाम क्या है उत्तर सिंधु घाटी की सभ्यता सिंधु घाटी की सभ्यता को और किन किन नामों से जाना जाता है उत्तर हड़प्पा सभ्यता सिंधु सभ्यता  इस सभ्यता को हड़प्पा सभ्यता क्यों कहा जाता है  उत्तर क्योंकि इस सभ्यता का प्रथम अवशेष हड़प्पा प्राप्त हुआ था  इस सभ्यता का फैलाव कहां से कहांकोटदीजी है उत्तर उत्तर में जम्मू कश्मीर से लेकर दक्षिण में नर्मदा नदी के मुहाने तक और पश्चिम में बलूचिस्तान के मकरान समुद्र तट से लेकर उत्तर पूर्व में मेरठ तक सिंधु सभ्यता के प्रमुख स्थलों का नाम क्या है उत्तर मोहनजोदड़ो हड़प्पा लोथल कालीबंगा  बनमाली और  रोपड़ भारत के किन राज्यों में हड़प्पा सभ्यता का विस्तार था उत्तर राजस्थान गुजरात पंजाब हरियाणा जम्मू कश्मीर एवं पश्चिमी उत्तर प्रदेश सिंधु घाटी की सभ्यता का आकार कैसा था उत्तर इसका आकार लगभग त्रिभुजाकार था और इसका पूरा क्षेत्रफल लगभग 1300000 वर्ग किलोमीटर था  अब तक भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप भारत एवं पाकिस्तान संस्कृति के स्थानों का पता चला है  उत्तर लगभग 1000 स्थानों का पता लग चुका है सिंधु घाटी की सभ्यता कब

General studies and general knowledge IAS IPS

Shah jahan  • Who became the successor of the state after Jahangir's death North shah jahan  • What was the real name of Shah Jahan  North-end  • What was the name of Shah Jahan's mother  Answer: Jupiter Yogi was the daughter of King Uday Singh of Jodhpur. • When was the birth of Shah Jahan  Answer-January 5, January 1982 • Where was the birth of Shah Jahan Answer: When was Shahjahan married in Lohore in 1612 • Shah Jahan was married to whom? North -Arjumand Bano Begum Mumtaz Begum  • Arjumand Bano Begum, whose daughter was North-Ashfaq Khan who was brother of Noorjahan • Which title did Shah Jahan confer on his wife? Answer: By the title of Emmya A Jawani • When was the enthronement of Shah Jahan Answer-1628 °  • What title did Shah Jahan take after post-apocalyptic North-Abdul Muzaffar Saheb Uddin Mohammed Shahid Kiran Ahasani • What title did Shah Jahan give to Mahavat Khan?  Answe

General knowledge - IAS IPS study

: Earthquake is an accidental, often destructive phenomenon, due to which hundreds of houses are destroyed, many people take time out of time and become immovable and sometimes the river turns its way. Earthquake means the earth's shaking When a part of the surface is not suddenly seen due to the stir, it is called earthquake, the earth is a moving body, it is continuously decreasing at the end. A. But most company are they not even know have no effect on our daily lives feel very Jtko normal way suggests that there is much loss of life and property by           seismic waves  Seismic waves are of three types p s r l P waves - this is primary or preliminary waves. Their transmission is similar to the sound waves. Prism of priceless keeps moving forward in the direction of waves, can also be called vertical wave or compression wave compreddinal waves. Like the sound waves, solid gas and liquid medium passes through these waves are the highest in solids. S waves: Transverse waves

control our public administration - IAS IPS

In all the countries, the expansion of public administration has taken the form of an uninterrupted process falling into the work of governance and every year everybody gets in the position of Vidyshi from the heart, even in India, the continuous development of the powers of governance The financial world war is happening in 1939-45 and subsequent problems arising from the implementation of a new constitution and administration in many new areas and five years In the new crises created by the beginning of the regional plans and the new frontiers of the country, Yoga has been contributed to the spread of the powers of governance. As a result, the government is with Atul Shakti. The fact is that we are going to all the people who live in urban life, The benefits are living as beneficiaries and they spend their lives in such a situation, the administration needs to control three powers It is necessary to control power in a democratic society in the words of Vaat. The higher the power

control over public administration

सभी देशों में लोक प्रशासन का विस्तार हो रहा है शासन के कार्यों में गिर गई एक अविरल प्रक्रिया का रूप धारण कर चुकी है और प्रतिवर्ष किसी ना किसी ने दिल से की विदिशा की स्थिति में हो जाती है भारत में भी शासन की शक्तियों का निरंतर विकास हो रहा है वित्तीय विश्व युद्ध 1939-45 तथा उसके पश्चात उत्पन्न समस्याओं नवीन संविधान लागू होने एवं प्रशासन द्वारा नवीन क्षेत्रों में अनेक कार्यों एवं पंचवर्षीय योजनाओं के प्रारंभ और देश की उतरी सीमाओं पर उत्पन्न नए संकटों में शासन की शक्तियों के प्रसार में योग दिया है फलस्वरुप शासन अतुल शक्ति से युक्त है सत्य तो यह है कि शहरी जीवन व्यतीत करने वाले हम सभी यादव पर जा तकिया प्रकाशित या प्रशासन से लाभ लाभान्वित होने वाले के रूप में जीवित हैं तथा अपना जीवन व्यतीत करते हैं ऐसी स्थिति में प्रशासन तीन शक्तियों को नियंत्रण करने की आवश्यकता प्रसिद्ध है वाइट के शब्दों में प्रजातंत्रीय समाज में शक्ति पर नियंत्रण करना आवश्यक है शक्ति जितनी अधिक है की भी उतनी ही आवश्यकता है अस्पष्ट प्रयोजन के लिए पर्याप्त अधिकार किस प्रकार नहीं किया जाए तथा सत्ता को पंगु बनाएं बिना किस प

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