General knowledge - IAS IPS study

: Earthquake is an accidental, often destructive phenomenon, due to which hundreds of houses are destroyed, many people take time out of time and become immovable and sometimes the river turns its way. Earthquake means the earth's shaking When a part of the surface is not suddenly seen due to the stir, it is called earthquake, the earth is a moving body, it is continuously decreasing at the end. A. But most company are they not even know have no effect on our daily lives feel very Jtko normal way suggests that there is much loss of life and property by

          seismic waves
 Seismic waves are of three types p s r l
P waves - this is primary or preliminary waves. Their transmission is similar to the sound waves. Prism of priceless keeps moving forward in the direction of waves, can also be called vertical wave or compression wave compreddinal waves. Like the sound waves, solid gas and liquid medium passes through these waves are the highest in solids.

S waves: Transverse waves are the motion of molecules in these, who are the huge peasants of the waves. The waves also say that the wave passes through the solids, the path of p and s waves is concave, these waves are also called body waves

L Tricolor: These are long-term waves; they are transmitted in the terrestrial part; they are called surface waves; their journey path answers. It can also pass through the prison, it is lost in more depth, it is most destructive.

                          Causes of earthquake
 Natural Causes: Moving Rocks When we throw stones in a pond, the waves of water start spreading in all directions. Similarly, when the rocks within the earth shake, the vibrations are created and spread all around thus, the rocks of the Hindi Earthquake says the earthquake's vibration remains in India only. Rocks are the source of the earthquake.

Tectonic causes- more depth and temperature and pressure inside the water is very high. This stain is not uniform at every place, sometimes the Yadav increases so much that due to which the rocks on the depths die and ultimately Breaks down on the broken part of the rocks Asamam goes down the road, such corrupt Geological Fault says that it takes time to come after the arrival of this huge and quite a lot Lightweight light shocks keep coming by after shocks After hobby called

Pellet-tectonic- Another reason for the tectonic is also that the Earth's plate is made up of 12 plates, this place continues to aggravate and sometimes there is confusion with each other. Earthquakes also occur due to the collision of the last plato

 Due to nonverbal - Because of earthquake origin and non-tectonic factors also occur when volcano erupts only when there is a vibration on the surface of the earth, in addition to which the slopes of rocks are born less than bombs or heavy vehicles and speed. These types of earthquakes are mild, fastest volcanic earthquake is lighter than the earthquake of a medium diffraction
[6/16, 12:11 PM] Rk Soni: According to natural conditions, earthquake can be divided into two parts
1. Earthquake and local earthquake occurring on terrestrial earthquake site segment

2. Seismic earthquakes reach such an earthquake in the sea and in the sea.

                             Seismic zone
Normally earthquakes can occur anywhere, but some areas are sensitive to it, where trauma is more on earthquake. These areas are weak parts of the earth, where incidents of moving and folding (floot) are more like earthquake. The area is primarily in the parts of Gaushala, a transcendental Pacific region, where 90% of the earthquakes occur, and the second Himalayan Alfaz tribal region And most of these are volcanic, wherever there is volcano, earthquakes are definitely there, but in every seismic region it is not necessary to have a volcano

 Earthquake area of ​​India - Earthquake areas of India are closely related to the main primary departments of the country. According to the structure, the country can be divided into three earthquake areas based on the main natural parts of India.

1. Himalaya earthquake area- In terms of geo-structure, this part is different from what country it is still in its construction phase. In view of differential geo balance, it is a broad area, due to which most earthquakes occur in this area.

2. Earthquake area of ​​northern plains - This area is in the south of the Himalayas, the plain of the Indusa Ganga and the Brahmaputra rivers. The structure of this ground is made from unorganized alluvial soil. As a result of compression during the construction of the Himalayas, many cracks have been formed in the ground from the intra-geological movement This region becomes vulnerable

3. Earthquake area of ​​the South Plateau: This is the oldest and hardest stretch of India, it is a stable part of the geo balance, so there are very few earthquakes in this area, so in this region only few earthquakes In which no earthquake has its place in the year 1967. On the basis of the earthquake zone, India has been divided into four seismic zones 2 3 4 and 5, which is the region with the highest rainfall. Kashmir State Srinagar Punjab West Mid-Himalaya North Eastern India is included Joe 4 I include the Indus River Gangetic Plain Delhi J. 3 June Part of the Andaman Nicobar Kashmir includes some part of the western Himalayas;

                     India's major earthquake
 On October 11, 1787, more than 300,000 people killed in Kolkata

1 September 1803 SP Mathura's impact was seen in Garhwal Kumaiun Shimla and Kolkata.

16 June 1819 in Gujarat, killing 2000 people and killing Bhusangan

16 June 18 to 28 AD, killed about 1000 people in it

 August 26, 1833 Bihar has been under its influence till download

From 19 February 18, the effect of BRC Jalalabad Nagar (in Pakistan) came from Delhi to Kabul.

April 1, 1843 - The effect of the lid is Kurnool Solapur Belgaum and Bellary Navaratna.

 10 February 1869 - Assam affected the district of Kutch

 30 May 1850 AD, about 30000 people killed in it

14th of July 1850 BC Bengal was a blow to Nagpur

12 June 1887 Assam killed 15 people

 15 june 1890 about 15 people died in Kutch

April 4, 1950 Congress's influence in Himachal Pradesh Punjab is more than 20000 dead

8th of July, 1928 Assam's influence was up to the Arakan touch and Madras

 July 3, 1930, the Durrani Assam, in which some Bihar Lal Munirhat was destroyed, the Durrani town which was affected by Rangpur, was destroyed.

 Bihar has killed about 10700 people since January 15, 1934

On 31 May 1935 Covetta (now in Pakistan) killed about 30000 people

 26 June 1941 Andaman

 About 15 to 30 people died in Assam on August 15, 1950

 18 May 1955 Nicobar

 On December 11, 1967, Koyna killed nearly 2000 people and injured thousands

 19 January 1975 Himachal Pradesh

 20 August 1928 AD Vihar in Bihar and Nepal wave 10 thousand people died

20 October 1991, Uttarkashi Garhwal killed about 2000 people and affected 400 villages

30 September 1993 Marathwada killed about 35,000 people and injured thousands

May 22, 1997: Around 100 people were killed and thousands were injured in Jabalpur and surrounding areas due to the severe earthquake that hit the Narmada Valley area of ​​Madhya Pradesh.

M28 March 1999: At least 100 people were killed in the severe earthquake in Uttarakhand's Garhwal area, its intensity was 6.8 on reactor scale

 26 January 2001 More than 100000 people were killed and thousands injured in the devastating earthquake in Gujarat's Bhuj district, whose praise was 7.9 on the scale

 8-9 October 2005, around 7.600 earthquake of India and Pakistan killed 4,400 people, whose area was in Pakistan-occupied Muzaffarabad

 25 April 2015 Nepal earthquake killed 8,000 people and injured 23,000 people, its intensity was 7.03


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