administrative improvement

After World War II, in order to improve the efficiency of the administration in many countries, systematic and organized efforts are being made, the sense of improvement in the field of management has gained more importance after the end of World War II. Process and Process An organization automating the use of automated machines And the award and training schemes and development executed program some tips that went used to achieve the desired result

 This modern effort of reform in the administration was started systematically from the beginning of the 18th century, which was primarily in the field of industry. In the last 10 men of the 19th century, some famous names related to the reform movement that started towards administrative reforms Type is the study of the construction system of the Alpine form in 1708 to 1794 in France's Girodol feet, four of England The invention of the differential engine in 18 to 71 AD by Dells Babbage 1793 sp, which is the ancestor of today's electronic computer, Henry Ration Town of the United States organized the 1844 managers form the rules of their experience organized by the United States Trailer 18 Scientific Management The Henry Lawrence Gannet Chart of the United States of America from 1861 to 1919, for its patent charter. It is proven that this chart is widely used in the work study today, Henry Fayyon of France used analytical approach to study of the discipline and administration of education from 1841 AD to 1925, becoming the friend of the United States, Had developed and George Elton Mayo of the United States used to have famous Honorath from 1880 AD to 1949.

Probably possibly the first group of scholars and administrators who had shown interest in the systematic manner in which the group comprised German and national scholars and public administration, which were during the 17th century, the most famous scholar of this group and whose After the camera, the number of his texts was upwards of two thousand, out of which 500 were on the financial administration and 500 other special camera But the number of his texts was upwards of two thousand, out of which 500 were on the financial administration, and on English 500 other special non-political topics, English 164 was only on any administration, his famous book and list library political economics theory and processes, science and public administration blocks There is a huge treatise written in the same example of this book that it will become clear that in the problems of management Mralvadi scholars took interest to the extent
This implies that the king needs true and fourth Cameron Lawsmen. We have this meaning in our name, who keep the original and unique knowledge of all those things or any part of it which will be used to maintain good management in the state. Necessary to help
Scientific management
 Taylor has made a big contribution in the field of management. From the arrival of the new era of scientific management, the mathematician explained that Taylor did not use it in this word, it was standing in a small group in 1910, where Gennett and Brandis were involved. The use of this might have been preceded by Taylor, who has not even attained the formula of this approach, who is an analytical expert Nick has used a large quantity of coincidence, with a break clock scale and father, in fact, the telescope actually determines those distances and manages the goods and goods, and consequently he developed the theory that a large percentage of the labor and material is appropriate In the absence of supervision and direction, the inevitability is in vain; in a department it can be up to 80%; By comparing the number of times decreased in some work as a result of the changes made in comparison to those decreased numbers, it is a bird which has a sense of ecstasy, which, by its method, appears in minute senses and in their form. has gone
 By 1900, both the people and the personality of the administration were based on the experience of empirical theory. There was no organized effort to find a wise and friendly system suitable for the particular situation. This direction was changed by Mr. Ganesh Tillar and other people scientists Tilak graph on managing the factories by the movement of management and work efficiency Whose first purpose was to give the reader the confidence that the treatment of skill was scientific management, or to find an ordinary man, another objective was to prove that the best management is the true science, which is based on the principles and principles of the new principles, and all Type 4 can be applied to human actions, 4 principles of scientific management have been determined by Taylor.
1 Development of any legislation to replace the old customs of experiential theory
2 scientific selection and progressive teaching and development of employees
3 Later, bring together science and scientific staff
4 Management and almost equal division of work between humans
 In order to prove his point, Taylor has given an example of calling by Bell: A first class co-worker's bill check base is fixed by which he works most of the day, what is the behavior, what is the first class person 5,10,15,20,25,30, or 40 Pandey's children will be able to work more by the load, which is answered by all carefully prepared experiments. Or maybe two-three first-class coal workers went to work and they were provided extra wages instead of working honestly, then by changing the commercial Chabahar, by careful people in the experiment, all the states of the duration carefully for several weeks. At the end, it was concluded that a first-class person worked most of the day with around 21 pounds of shovel. For example, this person could put maximum coal daily by 21 pounds of beer than the 24 or 18 pound kilo load, since it is true that any coal worker can not always afford the right 21 pounds of belt, it is possible. That can be a three-four-pound turn in the shovel screw, but it can be a four-point mismatch in that capable Chabahar throughout the day, but he will be able to do the highest work during the day only. His shovel loads averaging 21 pounds
 In fact, there is two very essential elements in scientific management, in both employees and management, there should be a major intellectual revolution in two important ways. First, both should support production, from which the maximum savings are being opposed and in the place of strikes, they will be given full support and support. According to Taylor, this will be the first step towards scientific management. Full change in the intellectual perspective of both sides in the words, establishment of peace at the place of conflict. Hard hearted cooperation at the place of protest. Instead of the anti-cooperation, in the same direction, cooperation in the same direction. Working wholeheartedly is Sunday. The scientific management should be developed by adopting the path of making friends in place of this At the old personality decision position of staff officers, the real scientific research and use of knowledge should be considered essential from all functions of the institute: Higher should be considered as the method of scientific management. The methods of scientific management are common, which is the scientific method, such as to illustrate the development of the hypothesis. Examine and verify it and then if necessary To revise them according to the results of the training, Taylor was of the belief that there are three elements of scientific management: studying each task with a special method of selecting and train employees with the best scientific methods and the spirit of mathematics and friendly cooperation through staff and management. Developing today is very familiar with scientific management but 50 years ago Anti was Ralf activate Davis had recently given a classification which covers these elements to develop managerial principles and relationships to gather facts
Separating harmful activities while doing 1
2 Remove the fatigue caused by collecting waste products in the body.
3 Removing 200 countries and the light of highly energetic heat of India's environment. The purpose of the study is to arrange the optimum time for the process of each task and to achieve the optimum time for that work in all the groups of qualified people. Thus, it is a real criterion for measuring the effectiveness of the work of a person, on the other hand, Finding the one that can be done by experiencing any work and work Singla can be done by speed study. Yoga is essential for the work. The whole series is analyzed and loop or unproductive motions are removed from it. Is the mandatory step

 Classification of work in the basic world
 Find out the best way to work by applying appropriate time for equipment work space and work
 Extract time by extending the time elaborated through the break speed of Haryana chapter chapter 9 and
 By gathering time table of all elements of work, keeping time in action and coordinating the hours of work of an unusual card conditions and effecting the productive committee on a tomorrow, bring the ratio of certified time production

Methods Time and Measurement:

The scientific management of the activity and the study of speed can be said to emphasize more and more saajan. In an effort to find out the best way to do the work, the campaign should be divided into sari activities of work which are called traveling. Large-scale products can be called the compositor branch system assembly line system of mass production. Now you can develop world-class motions. Only the effort has been made, but a well-known method of working for time is time-forgot methods time achievement. There are two major problems in the study of traditional time and speed, mainly for such organizations and for those which are temporary Do not live is not friendly. Small events, it is very much in time and speed related study. Second event is that the staff at the time of study Both the supervisors and the opposition have to face the opposition and the resistance is to say the difficulties related to the employees' associations.
 Methods Time Nagpur attempts to overcome these obstacles by establishing parameters at certain times. This criterion is determined by studying the time required for large size arthritis in different languages. Next steps will be to train the organizations in all the systems. The advantage of this is that any work can outline the work by using the required speed and series of decade. The organization can set up the criteria themselves and thus many discussions can be avoided and whenever a dispute arises, then which speed is necessary on it, not how much time should be spent on it if speed If the chain is given, the workers who write the work experience can read the standard timetables and obtain the required criteria.

 The scientific management movement was a revolutionary step in industrial production and it has contributed in the context of various aspects of boon-proven management for both the owner and the employee. For example, labor and time-saving tips from the outline of the office, Simplification of the scheme work, etc. Slowly the tips can be taken in governmental work and management of the office. Goo has started, but the big contribution of this movement is not as much of these devices as instruments and techniques, as it is due to the emphasis on scientific methods, according to Teri, scientific management is the management, whose specialty and methodology is based on legislation and scientific method. Experiments are further enhanced by Taylor and this movement forms an intellectual revolution in both the masters and employees, and both of them Despite this, Taylor's theory is criticized on the basis that it is the reason that the status of the workman has become an automatic machine, the invention of the device has become part of the human form. It is an attempt to abbreviate the formula etc. Allahabad is accused that any aspect of the behavioral aspect of their employees Not not given or criticism indeed Carper eventually one thing this lack Honorth studies have emphasized human relationships is overcome by that administration
                   Hananoth Studies This study was done at the Hanoth factory in the manufacturing unit of the Western Electronic Company located at Shikango, which was part of the Johoho Mail Telephone Company, whose main office was in Philadelphia. It was used by a team of Howard Business School led by Elton Mayo 16 years from 1924 AD to 1940 AD and it has been practiced carefully in history in society, so carefully Probably the most famous in C Ho What elements were assisted in making these studies successful First, the President of this company was a visionary thinker who was interested in experimenting and experimenting in the results and the engineers of the second Hanont factory were curious. And why and how to believe and see that this experiment has not received less respect because its related Th Howrah School of the Business Administration renowned business administration
 Nearly everything was given to the employees of the Western Electric Company, such as the latest service-built plans, the disease program, etc. on the benefits of disease sickness, but the work was not going very well, so thought that the company has some relation on the light Researchers appointed two researchers to study the effects of light before the two groups of employees The group was given the opportunity to work in the light to work in more light. It was also expected to produce more light, but surprisingly the production of the group was removed even after the light of the second unexpected second group was removed. The production increased, it was unexpected, the light of the second group was reduced, the production increased even then, and similarly in the first group, Left 2 workers are only a dark left to work only by touch in the cabin increasing Notwithstanding these obstacles also working to produce it

One strange puzzle was that the researchers continued their experiments, they separated the women to study for one and a half years, they examined the production done by women in different languages, but at what time the women were given definite work, even then. Production has given women two halves of five to five minutes, this time even production has given two breaks of 10 minutes, but still production After this, the rest of the morning was extended to the women for 15 minutes and fresh breakfast was given to the production. Then the big women were taught half an hour before work. However, 1 hour of production was discharged from work. Again the working hours of the production of Jamun, given to work for additional hours, reduced from 48 to 40, the production was made at the same height. Testing Scientific has chronic conditions imposed women was abolished was retired to work according to the hot breakfast was closed and 48 weeks of hours given production made Ucha elevated

 A clever statistic took many years to tell that changes in the physical conditions of the workers change only in production. The result of efforts to prove the changes in the production of changes in physical circumstances resulted in sufficient quantitative importance The same interrelation was not established, which has been accepted by skilled researchers in a particular sense. They concluded that the human condition was very complex. Workers were being used on the day, there was no stone, it is known why experiments are being exercised and the attitude of the workers towards these experiments and their determination towards work Affected the behavior and researchers in the experiment have made a serious effort to get full cooperation of their usability related workers. It was the fairness that changed the social status of their room from the fairies; This resulted in the fact that women's vision was better than ever and the rate of production increased by the work; this led to a great push of the predicted thoughts of the users, on the conclusion of the results Reached that whether a person is doing his job with his whole mind or not, it is very much dependent on his work partner Does what feel about treachery and lying observers
Hananoth Studies This study was done at the Hanoth factory in the manufacturing unit of the Western Electronic Company located at Shikango, which was part of the Johoho Mail Telephone Company, whose main office was in Philadelphia. It was used by a team of Howard Business School led by Elton Mayo 16 years from 1924 AD to 1940 AD and it has been practiced carefully in history in society, so carefully Probably the most famous in C Ho What elements were assisted in making these studies successful First, the President of this company was a visionary thinker who was interested in experimenting and experimenting in the results and the engineers of the second Hanont factory were curious. And why and how to believe and see that this experiment has not received less respect because its related Th Howrah School of the Business Administration renowned business administration
 Nearly everything was given to the employees of the Western Electric Company, such as the latest service-built plans, the disease program, etc. on the benefits of disease sickness, but the work was not going very well, so thought that the company has some relation on the light Researchers appointed two researchers to study the effects of light before the two groups of employees The group was given the opportunity to work in the light to work in more light. It was also expected to produce more light, but surprisingly the production of the group was removed even after the light of the second unexpected second group was removed. The production increased, it was unexpected, the light of the second group was reduced, the production increased even then, and similarly in the first group, Left 2 workers are only a dark left to work only by touch in the cabin increasing Notwithstanding these obstacles also working to produce it

One strange puzzle was that the researchers continued their experiments, they separated the women to study for one and a half years, they examined the production done by women in different languages, but at what time the women were given definite work, even then. Production has given women two halves of five to five minutes, this time even production has given two breaks of 10 minutes, but still production After this, the rest of the morning was extended to the women for 15 minutes and fresh breakfast was given to the production. Then the big women were taught half an hour before work. However, 1 hour of production was discharged from work. Again the working hours of the production of Jamun, given to work for additional hours, reduced from 48 to 40, the production was made at the same height. Testing Scientific has chronic conditions imposed women was abolished was retired to work according to the hot breakfast was closed and 48 weeks of hours given production made Ucha elevated

 A clever statistic took many years to tell that changes in the physical conditions of the workers change only in production. The result of efforts to prove the changes in the production of changes in physical circumstances resulted in sufficient quantitative importance The same interrelation was not established, which has been accepted by skilled researchers in a particular sense. They concluded that the human condition was very complex. Workers were being used on the day, there was no stone, it is known why experiments are being exercised and the attitude of the workers towards these experiments and their determination towards work Affected the behavior and researchers in the experiment have made a serious effort to get full cooperation of their usability related workers. It was the fairness that changed the social status of their room from the fairies; This resulted in the fact that women's vision was better than ever and the rate of production increased by the work; this led to a great push of the predicted thoughts of the users, on the conclusion of the results Reached that whether a person is doing his job with his whole mind or not, it is very much dependent on his work partner Does what feel about treachery and lying observers


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