Indus Valley Civilization- IAS IPS


• Indus Valley Civilization What is the name of India's oldest civilization

Answer = Civilization of Indus Valley

• What are the names of the Indus Valley Civilization and other names?

Answer = Harappan civilization, Indus civilization

 • Why is this civilization called Harappa civilization

 Answer = Because the first relic of this civilization was received by Harappa

 • Where is the dispersion of this civilization from where?

Answer: From Jammu Kashmir to the mouth of the Narmada river in the north and from Makran coast of Balochistan to Meerut in the north

• What is the name of the main destinations of Indus Civilization

Answer = Mohanjodaro Harappa Lothal Kalibanga Banmali and Ropar

• In which states of India was the expansion of the Harappan civilization

Uttar = Rajasthan Gujarat Punjab Haryana J & K and Western Uttar Pradesh

• How was the size of civilization of Indus Valley

Answer = Its size was almost triangular and its total area was approximately 1300000 square kilometers

 • So far the locations of Indian subcontinent India and Pakistan culture have been discovered.

Answer = About 1000 places have been detected

• How long did the Indus Valley civilization developed from

 Answer = 2531 East to 15 B.D.

 • How is the credit for discovering the civilization of the Indus Valley

 Answer = Dayaram Sahni

 • In whose direction Indus Valley civilization was excavated

 Answer = Sir John Marshall, who was Director General of the Department of Archeology Survey, was excavated in the direction of his

• Where is Mohanjodaro located

Answer = In Larkana district of Sindh province of Pakistan

• Mohenjodaro is situated on which river

Answer = Indus river banks

• The excavation and exploration of Mohenjodaro and who else to whom

Answer = Rakkaladas Banerjee in the year 1922

• What is the meaning of mohenjodaro

Answer = Moles of Moles

 • What is the main building of Mohenjodaro?

 Answer = Group of masses

• What is the biggest building of Mohenjodaro?

 Answer = Food Grain Storehouse

• In which town of the Indus Valley, the statue of Rabindranathani has got copper

Answer = In Mohenjodaro

 • Mohanjodado town was divided into how many segments

 Answer = In the two volumes, west and east-west section was built on high mound which went to Durga

• What is the area of ​​Mohenjodaro?

 Answer = About 1 square kilometer

• The remains of fragmented cotton cloth pieces have been found from which place of Indus Civilization

Answer = Mohenjodaro

• Where is Harappa located

Answer = In the Mount Gomari district of the Punjab province of Pakistan

• Harappa is situated on the banks of which river

 Answer = Ravi river bank

• Who searched Harappa and when did

Answer = Dayaram Sahni in 1921

 • What is the size of Harappan's most important building?

Answer = Major Building Anganwari and Shaped Rectangular

 • How many food grains were there in Harappan fort

Answer = Anna's plateau is found, which are standing in 2 rows on the made of bricks

 • Two-room barracks have been found at the site of Indus Civilization for the workers to stay

Answer = Harappa

• The structure of Harappan Nagar is spread over how many kilometers

 Answer = around 5 kilometers

• Where is Kalibanga located

Answer = The edge of the Ghagghar river in Rajasthan

 • Black colored clay bangles have been found at which place of Indus Civilization

Answer = Kalibanga probably because of its name Kalibanga

• What types of bricks were made in the house in Kalibanga?

Answer = From raw bricks

• Where Lothal is located

Answer = In the Gulf of Khambhat on the saffron river of Gujarat

• Which city of Indus Civilization got a port?

Answer = Lothal

• What was the sea trade of people of Indus Valley

Answer = From the port of Lothal

 • Where is Banamali located

 Answer = Hissar district of Haryana

 • Banamali was situated on which river

 Answer = Saraswati river banks

• Where is Ropar located

Answer = near Punjab of Chandigarh

• Where is Rangpur located

Answer = in Gujarat

• Where is Alamgirpur located

Answer = Meerut district of Uttar Pradesh

• Where is Surkotda located

 Answer = In Kutch district of Gujarat

• Where is Kotadiyi located

 Answer = In Sindh province of Punjab

• What was the distance between Mohenjodaro and Harappa?

 Answer = Surge 483 kilometers

• What is the idol of the Indus Valley statue?

Answer = Most of the pieces are made of clay

 • How was the Indus Valley script?

Answer = The script was pictorial which can not be read or written from left to right

• How many picture characters are pictograph in the script of the Indus Valley

Answer = About 800 to 400

• The people of the Indus Valley did not know which metal

Answer = Iron because in the Harappan culture the use of a can is used

 • Harappa culture is the age of civilization

Answer = Vedic period

• What was the specialty of Harappa?

Answer = City Planning System

• What kind of houses were all the houses of Indus Valley Civilization

• What was called the ripe soil in the fire in the Indus Valley Civilization

Answer = Terracotta

• What was the main food item of the Indus Valley people?

Answer = wheat and jaw

• The people of the Indus Valley civilization used the scalp made from what

Answer = stone

• The credit for generating the first cotton goes to the people of which civilization

Answer = People of Indus Valley Civilization
• In what form was the wages given to the laborer in the Indus Valley Civilization

Answer = JOI was paid in wages

• The fruits of the Indus Valley Civilization

Answer = banana and pomegranate

• Which animal was not practiced in the Indus Valley Civilization

 Answer = Horse

 • What was the favorite animal of the people of Indus Valley Civilization

 Answer = Humpback Sod

• Which animal are used to extinguish the Indus Valley people

Answer = His and ass

• In the Indus Valley, how was it said

Answer = Tin was made in metal by copper yarn


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