control our public administration - IAS IPS

In all the countries, the expansion of public administration has taken the form of an uninterrupted process falling into the work of governance and every year everybody gets in the position of Vidyshi from the heart, even in India, the continuous development of the powers of governance The financial world war is happening in 1939-45 and subsequent problems arising from the implementation of a new constitution and administration in many new areas and five years In the new crises created by the beginning of the regional plans and the new frontiers of the country, Yoga has been contributed to the spread of the powers of governance. As a result, the government is with Atul Shakti. The fact is that we are going to all the people who live in urban life, The benefits are living as beneficiaries and they spend their lives in such a situation, the administration needs to control three powers It is necessary to control power in a democratic society in the words of Vaat. The higher the power, the more is the necessity of how not enough authority is to be used for ambiguous purposes and how to establish proper control without crippling power. It is a historical confusion in front of this popular government, while giving strength, it is always afraid that if you ignore the story It will not be used only. It is not only the Shraddha corporation. It is clear from the administration that from 26th June to 30th March, the administration of Lokmat business parameter and the nature of the policy science and society together, To influence and control these problems will be studied under the following headings

 1st legislative control
2 executive control
3 judicial control
  Legislative control over administration is determined by the Act of Chief Administrative Law in the Republican countries, the administration of the work is not to be constituted, its policies are determined by the Legislature, the proper legislation for various functions and programs of governance The Board provides these public privileges in addition to public administration. Operation and control is also the equal rights of the Legislature, in the words of F bilowi, it implies the nature of the work to be edited and the decision making tools to make it necessary to give and direct the necessary instructions to complete the task. Monitoring and control of the work
  The main objectives of public policy are to be determined by the legislature by creating a new act or eliminating or modifying the existing Act, but in all the countries, the Executive itself creates a policy rather than the Legislature, the policy work day of the Congress in the United States -Advised or rejected acceptance of daily executive programs It has become necessary to control the discretion for the Congress. It has become necessary even with the view to make a policy fixation in the government tribunals. In the countries of parliamentary system, this trend has become necessary even in view of the absoluteness of the parliamentary system. It is also the preset of the festival in countries and which is well-known by many commentators in the British rule. The number of proposed public bill is more than the foreigners proposed by the individual members. In India, the legislature is in the hands of the leadership rule. Apart from this, there has been a lot of increase in the area's diversity and limit in the legislation, due to lack of technical knowledge only about the legislators Can not present the law proposal and the effects can not fully participate in the debate As Modi has said that more than 20 years of experience is being experienced, the amount of efficiency which is available in the government, in proportion to the amount of knowledge which is similar to a Member of Parliament, the proportion is that the main role of Parliament Apart from this, its effectiveness is being lost, in addition to the effectiveness of legislative control, it is only evening that the present government is safe in the Lok Sabha due to its party Mohammed. Be and he can expect from the simplicity of anti
India has anti-regulatory instruments, ask questions, submit proposals, stop work, motion condemnation proposal, budget and parliamentary committees have an opportunity to control the administration of public accounting committee, whose brief discussion is as follows
 1 President's speech: Every new session of the Parliament begins with the speech of the President; The President's speech highlights the broad policies and activities which are the policies of the executive in the future, generally for the general debate on it 4 The time of the day is fixed Members are given the opportunity to ignore the necessary tasks by the administration and Criticizing her well for flowers should understand that the lectures given in Parliament on this and other occasions are not aimed at influencing the respected members, but the Lokmat has to be awakened out of the Parliament as members are given the speech and vote Rules are strictly followed, there are promises to do this.
 Discussion on 2 budgets: Since the introduction of budget on account practice has got more opportunities to discuss the proposal of the Parliament, Parliament members ie Members of the Lok Sabha during the discussions on the budget
[6/13, 6:28 PM] Rk Soni: Discussion on 2 budgets: Since the introduction of the budget on account practice has got more opportunities for Parliament to discuss the proposal of the budget. Members of the Parliament, namely, the members of the Lok Sabha have the opportunity to comment on the administration while discussing the budget. Get

A: A general discussion begins only after presenting the budget, which is related to the entire budget or any question of a theory in it.

B: The members receive second opportunity of criticizing the executive at the time of voting on the grants. On this occasion, there is a separate discussion on each demand. The proposals for deduction are presented, the specific points raised in it are also discussed. Is enough and attracts attention to specific things in it

C: On discussion of the Finance Bill, the members get the opportunity to discuss the entire regime. It is a common principle in the words, known by the former President of the Lok Sabha, that any topic of the Finance Bill can be discussed and the public Any difficulty can be highlighted on the basis of this principle that the principle of any citizen should not be taken until it is through the medium of parliament. They will not get full opportunity to present their views and to express dissatisfaction.

3 Question Hour: The first hour of every day of his session is fixed for questions in this session. It is an effective effect of control. On average, about 30 oral questions are asked each day and they are answered, this special right to ask questions. The Government is cautious about the various aspects of administration's policies and activities, to attract attention of the public. Asking questions is an effective tool, questions can also be asked with supplementary questions, in which the respective minister gets repetitious, and also goes away in his mistakes, in which some of the concerned minister gets repetitious and he also gets his mistakes. Comes in

 Questions can be asked on any administrative work but the minister can not be compelled to answer the questions of the members. The Chairman can refuse to allow some questions. There are three purposes to ask questions Getting type information You know the opinions of the ministers on a subject, there were many questions to harass the government of three of the accused persons. But there are some questions that are likely to be very disadvantage in June, for example, in 1956, a subject of Life Insurance Corporation stood up in response to a question which would result in the resignation of the finance minister in 1967 During the Question itself, the case of Pyarelal had come to light so much so that the sensation was generated, hence the time of Buddha Lingam was Secretary of the Ministry of Finance and Naki was appointed as the ambassador of India in Europe, had to be defeated by his new post, and the government had to defame it. In short, parliamentary questions have a great effect on the administration. The statement of the game is that any person who has given any public service I have worked in the department. I would agree that if there is any importance, due to which the public service should be careful and alert and maintain such records. Should not be considered as a person's work outside the public service, then it is only the parliamentary questions that is the same as the former Prime Minister of Britain and Italy, it is always the opinion that I have always believed that the time to ask questions in the Lok Sabha The best example of true democracy in question is whether the dot-dot minister meets the questions and more than the openly asked questions in the House Full public service has to be alert. In the end, it is necessary to indicate that the questioning tool is flexible Shivgami and immediately and it can prove to be fatal even if it is capable enough to show the rule of humility


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