General knowledge, reasoning english

[2/28, 1:15 pm] +91 97193 79303: 45. Nasa's famous space telescope is named HUBBLE. 46. ​​Forward Block was founded by Subhash Chandra Bose. 47. Imaginary superhero spider I have the real name of Peter Parker. 48. The Patron of the Fundamental Rights mentioned in the Indian Constitution is the Supreme Court. 49. Three well-known Buddhist sites, Ratan Giri, Lalit Giri and Udaygiri are situated in Orissa. 50. The origin of the famous Gayatri Mantra is from Rigveda. 51. Water is used in the form of diluent. 52. Jataka is the ancient sacred book of the Buddhists. 53. Nitrogen gas is used in the electrical bulb. 54. According to Dadabhai Naoroji, Swaraj means self-rule. 55. The outermost layer of the Sun is called the Photo Phere. 56. US President Abraham Lincoln had fought a civil war to eradicate gullible practice. 57. The woman of Azad Hind Fauj was under the command of the Regiment Rani Regiment, Lakshmi Sehgal. 58. Greyfight and diamond are the impurities of carbon. 59. Implementation of Jawahar Rozgar Yojana depends on the central government. 60. World's largest continent is Asia. 61. After the defeat in World War I, Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles. 62. First World War period 1914-18 63. Five independence was written by Vishnu Sharma. 64. The term of the Finance Commission is of 5 years. 65. At the time of independence, the constitution was drafted by the committee chairman BR Ambedkar. 66. Jaiprakash Narayan is known as Lok Nayak. 67. Article I of the Constitution describes India as a federal state. 1 calorie heat will be required to increase the temperature of 68.1 gms to 1 degree Celsius. 69.Pimpri is related to Newsprint Paper. 70. The right to constitutional remedies falls under the fundamental rights. [2/28, 1:15 pm]  1. Jullianwala Bagh massacre is related to British General Edward Harry Dyer 32. The behavior of military rule was done by the Marathas in India for the first time. 33. Jama Masjid of Delhi was built by Shah Jahan 34. Shivaji was crowned in Raigad 35. Indian Financial Year starts on 1st April 36. The unit of relative density grams per cubic cm. is 37. Vitamin B deficiency leads to Beri-Beri disease 38. Jog Pratap is situated on the river Shravati 39. Monasticism is primarily concerned with social system 40. Adrenal is part of human body, popularly called Adam's apple (Adams Apple) 41. Earthquake intensity measuring machine is Richter scale 42.State of Liberty America is in the country 43. Proposal of complete Swarajya was passed in the Lahore session of the Indian National Congress 44. Freedom was written by Vishnusharma 45. The entire lake is a salt cake. 46. ​​Influenza is a viral disease 47. America's President visits Air Force One ship 48. Ashok sent Sanghamitra to foreign countries to give a message of Buddhism 49. The national symbol is taken from Ashoka pillar which is located in Sarnath 50. Lok dance dandiya ras belongs to the state of Gujarat 51. River flowing between Sampur and Vindhya is Narmada 52.NREGA's extended name is the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 53. Rudram Devi of Kakatiya dynasty represented himself in the form of a male ruler in his inscription 54. GATT Headquarters is located in Geneva 55. Dadasaheb Award is given in the Indian Film Industry Sector 56. The ultramacroscope was developed by Henry Sidestoff and Richard Adolphe 57.Willi - Willy means that it is from tropical cyclone near Australia. 58. Bar is the unit of atmospheric pressure 59. Government dual [2/28, 1:16 pm] +91 97193 79303: The famous Charminar is located in Hyderabad 17. Gopal was the founder of Pal Dynasty in Bengal The temperature of 18.100 ° C will be 273K on the Kelvin scale 19.Ranga Swami Cup related to hockey game 20. Ramkrishna Mission was founded in 1896 by Swami Vivekananda 21. Samjhauta Express runs between Amritsar-Lahore 22. Dudhwa National Park is located in Uttar Pradesh 23. Vulcanization is the process of rubbing the rubbing with sulfur 24. Upanishads were composed in the North Vedic period 25. The frequency of ultrasound waves is characterically above 20.000KHz 26. The subject of education was shifted from the state list to the concurrent list by the 42nd Amendment to the Constitution. 27. The United Nations General Assembly's Office is located in New York 28. Number of groups in modern rotation is 16 29. Prices are determined by demand and supply in a capitalist economy. 30. The basic unit is alive in ecological studies. [2/28, 1:16 PM] +91 97193 79303: 5. Dada Saheb Award is given in the Indian Film Industry Sector 56. The ultramacroscope was developed by Henry Sidestoff and Richard Adolphe 57.Willi - Willy means that it is from tropical cyclone near Australia. 58. Bar is the unit of atmospheric pressure 59. In 1948, the Government took over the Reserve Bank of India 60.Fidimeter 2 is used to measure the depth of the ocean. 61. The polio vaccine was first made by Jones Salk 62. Profit tax is related to the product rate of the goods 63. Electrons have a loss in oxidation 64. Srinagar is located on Jhelum River 65. Chiricha Boss Dance is related to Mizoram State. [2/28, 1:17 PM] +91 97193 79303: 1. The Internet's parent - Winton G. Snake 2. Generator of Mobile Phone - Martin Cooper


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