Mahabharata: Why did Krishna push Arjuna to the war?

Mahabharata: Why did Krishna push Arjuna to the war?

In the Gita, Krishna inspired Arjuna to war, which often raises questions in the minds of people, whether Krishna wanted war? Is war right?

Question: In the Gita, Krishna says to Arjuna that being a Kshatriya is his duty to fight. It has always been in my mind that whether this was done to promote caste system only?

Sadhguru: Today, our understanding, caste system has become a medium in our experience - exploitation and discrimination. But when this system was created then it was not the means of creating any discrimination. Its aim was to bring such a system in the society so that society can run smoothly. There are different jobs for different groups of people so that every aspect of the society can be handled and everybody does the work that needs to be done.

Krishna asked Arjuna to fight war - what was the reason?

The duty of a Kshatriya was to protect other people because the common people needed protection and they did not have weapons. Refusal to deny a Kshatriya war was like a farmer refuses to sow seeds, as if a Vaisya refused to do business or refuse to give a Brahmin. Whatever will be our work, if we withdraw from him, then what will happen to society? In this context Krishna said that you have to fight as a Kshatriya.

Krishna had been trying to avoid this great war for a long time, but the circumstances were such that when everyone had reached the battlefield. Even in Arjun's mind, this silly idea was rising that he could withdraw, flee from war and live peacefully in the wilderness. Whereas if he did that, Kaura could go behind him, burn the forest and kill him. And not only to him, he could have destroyed his entire army, who would have lost his leadership if he withdrew from the field.

Kshatriya is not a caste name, it was a class of people working in the administration and army. They had to work to maintain the balance of society. India has generally been a peaceful country. He has never been aggressive. He has never ambition to expand his state-limits. They even cut off the parts of their country. He was not aware of governance. That is why the country is suffering till now. If Krishna was in 1947, then he would solve this matter in a different way.

Trying today that some people will not be killed and for the next 60 years, the country is tired of blood tears - far more stupid than it is. People lose their discretion in their emotions, principles and ethics. He did not have the foresight to see how his actions would have an impact in the coming 50-100 years. Whether it's family or the country, when people do not have such eyesight to avoid a slight disorder, they have to face the trouble of life. If you resolve a case in the same way that it should be resolved, at that time it may seem ruthless, but people will later benefit from it.

That is why Krishna said that if you do nothing now, then this indecency will prove harmful. He knew all the people involved in it and he very cleverly controlled everyone. I give you an example

Krishna's war policy

Emperor Jarassang was a brave warrior and a talented person. He was ruling his kingdom for 45 years and he had expanded his kingdom by winning many battles. But his ambition was not over. He wanted to make sure that his children and their children continue to extend the boundaries of the principality which he had built. He used to implement it with absolute mercilessness.

If Krishna was in 1947, then he would solve this matter in a different way. Trying today that some people will not be killed and for the next 60 years, the country is tired of blood tears - far more stupid than it is. People lose their discretion in their emotions, principles and ethics.

He married his two daughters with a brace because he saw him as a powerful ally. He felt that on creating such a coalition, the northern part of India will be subject to it. He had no idea of ​​Arya Lima and religion.

When Krishna killed Kams, then all this strategy worsened. After fighting some war and adding some smaller states, Jarasand planned to win Mathura. But at that time Krishna traveled from Mathura with all the people of Mathura. In anger and frustration, Jarasand set fire to an empty city. Then he wanted to marry his friend Shishupala to Rukmini, so that Rukmini's brother Rukmi, who was a very ambitious young man and had a powerful army, he would come along with him.

Gujarat, far away from Jarsand Bihar, came to make sure that there is no mess in the self. But under his nose, Krishna took away Rukmini. And when he tried to capture Krishna in Gomantak, Krishna defeated him and embarrassed him with giving life. There was nothing worse for a warrior like Jarasand that one of the guards gave him life. It was better to die for him.

After this, he tried to get his grandson married to Draupadi. In this way Draupadi's father, King Drupada, would become his ally, who had a huge army, and thus India could get control of another area of ​​the year. Very few people


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