Mahaabharat :paanch pandaw

In the Mahabharata there is a context that preventing the thirsty Pandavas from drinking water, Yaksh had earlier laid down the condition to answer his questions. Yaksha Question is also a Hindi proverb. This proverb is used in reference to any such problem or problem that has not yet been solved or the problem remains the same. This proverb called Yaksha Question came out of the questions asked by the Pandavas in Mahabharata by the Yakshaks. Knowing the conversation between Yaks and Yudhisthira, you will surely be surprised. You may also be looking for answers to some questions in your life. If so, then definitely read it to the end. This is not only the question related to spirituality, philosophy and religion, it is also a question related to your life. Pandavjan was in the forest during his thirteen-year exile. Then they once sought water to quench thirst. The responsibility of managing water was first handed over to Sahdev. Show them a reservoir nearby and they come there to take water.   The invisible Yakshak, the owner of the reservoir, has pledged to answer some of the first questions by blocking them by AIR. Sahdev ignored the condition and the yaksha and started taking water from the reservoir. Then Yakshas made Sahdev dead. On returning to Sahadev, Nakul, Arjun and Bhim Bhim took responsibility for bringing water, respectively. They reached the same reservoir and became lifeless because of disobedience to the conditions of the Yaksha.  Finally, the anxious Yudhishthira himself reached the reservoir. Invisible Yakshas appeared and cautioned them and asked them to answer their questions. Yudhishthira showed patience He not only listened to all the questions of Yaksa but also gave them logical answer, after which the Yaksh was satisfied. After satisfying, what did the yaksh do and what were they to know the question on the next page ... though the question is more but here only a few have been given. Question: Who am I? Yudhisthur Answer: You are neither this body, nor the senses, nor mind, nor intellect. You are the pure consciousness, the consciousness which is the surer. Note: The person should ask himself the question of who I am. What body that will be destroyed at the time of death? Are the five senses, eyes, nose, ears, which will be destroyed with the body? Then what is the mind or wisdom in me? That is, what I think or think - is that? When it comes to deep sleep, it also becomes like closing. Then what am I? If the person himself blinds his eyes on this, then he will understand that I am a pure soul, consciousness and a savior. This will not happen by shutting one eye once. Question: What is the purpose of life? Yudhisthur Answer: The purpose of life is to know the consciousness that is free from the bondage of birth and death. Knowing it is only salvation, it is liberation.   Note: A lot of people can earn money. Prosperity can get out of wealth, but meditation brings inner inner prosperity. After death, the prosperity of the outside will be kept here but inner prosperity will go with you. Maharishi Patanjali has told seven stairs to reach salvation: - Yama, Rama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana and meditation After meditation, Samadhi or salvation is attained automatically. Yaksha Question: What is the reason for birth? Yudhisthira Answer: Unfulfilled desires, wishes and karmal are the reasons for birth.   Note: Birth and death are a habit. The remedy to get rid of this habit is found in Upanishad, Yoga and Geeta. Lusts and wishes are endless. As long as it stays, the karmandbanda will continue and its fruit will also be available. The breaker of this cycle is called Jitendra.   Yaksha Question: Who is free from the bondage of birth and death? Yudhisthira Answer: Knowing that soul itself, that soul is free from the bondage of birth and death.   Note: Who am I and what is my real nature? The one who knows this truth becomes free from the cycle of birth and death. To know this, Ashtanga Yoga should follow. Yaksha Question: - What is the relation of lust and birth? Yudhisthur Answer: - Lies like those desires. If the desires are like animals, then the animal is born in the vagina. If the desires are like humans, the birth of a man in the vagina   Note: The meaning of lust is broad. This is a condition of the mind. We become as we think. In the same way, the way we create the level of consciousness, the same level of consciousness is attained in the next life. For example, the level of a dog's senses is below our senses, but if we drink a bottle of alcohol then the level of our senses will be similar to that dog. The level of consciousness of an eager person is also the same for sexual intercourse. Yaxo Question: Why is the world suffering? Yudhisthur Answer: The reason for the misery of the world is greed, selfishness and fear. Comment: There is no end to greed, there is no friend of selfish and no life of a frightened person. By fear, all kinds of mental disorders are born. Many times, greed becomes the cause of death too. Greed is said to be bad. The greedy person's greed continues to grow and he remains unhappy because of his greed.   The selfish people are found everywhere. The selfish man can also put his life at stake to straighten his owl. Selfishness has jealousy properties in the mind.   Yaxo Question: Then why did God create sadness? Yudhisthira: God created the world and man created pain and pleasure from his thoughts and actions.   Tipni: Man becomes what he thinks like. NegativeIn the same way, the way we create the level of consciousness, the same level of consciousness is attained in the next life. For example, the level of a dog's senses is below our senses, but if we drink a bottle of alcohol then the level of our senses will be similar to that dog. The level of consciousness of an eager person is also the same for sexual intercourse.
Yaxo Question: Why is the world suffering? Yudhisthur Answer: The reason for the misery of the world is greed, selfishness and fear. Comment: There is no end to greed, there is no friend of selfish and no life of a frightened person. By fear, all kinds of mental disorders are born. Many times, greed becomes the cause of death too. Greed is said to be bad. The greedy person's greed continues to grow and he remains unhappy because of his greed.   The selfish people are found everywhere. The selfish man can also put his life at stake to straighten his owl. Selfishness has jealousy properties in the mind.   Yaxo Question: Then why did God create sadness? Yudhisthira: God created the world and man created pain and pleasure from his thoughts and actions.   Tipni: Man becomes what he thinks like. Negativity comes automatically but positive thoughts have to be brought. Nobody does hard work to bring, so he keeps thinking about bad thoughts and stuck in bad deeds. The result of bad deeds is bad too. Yaksha Question: What is God? Who is that? Is that woman or man?Yaksha Question: What is his (God) nature? Yudhisthur Answer: He is a true-hearted person, he expresses himself in every form of selflessness.   Yaksha Question: What is the amorphous (formless) self? Yudhisthira: He creates, comprehends and destroys God's world. Yaksha Question: If God created the world then who created the God? Yudhisthur: It is unborn and non-unconscious.   Yaxo Question: What is fate? Yudhishthri Answer: Every action is a result of every action. The result may be good, bad too. This result is destiny only. Today's effort is the fate of tomorrow. Note: It is a good answer for many people who are fatal. Negativity is also born in the mind of those who believe in fate. Many people celebrate this misery of life that was not in our destiny so we did not get it. Such people are never happy. Many proofs of being fate are given because they do not understand the theory of karma very well. Yaxo Question: What is the secret of happiness and peace? Yudhisthira Answer: Truth, virtue, love and forgiveness are the reasons for happiness. The sacrifice of falsehood, incest, hate and anger is the path to peace.   Remarks: A person speaks untrue saying to live in pain, anxiety or stress. Even a person can not be happy by behaving badly There is no love for family or any person, but it can not be happy. If someone has done something with him, he can not be happy even if he has a sense of revenge without apologizing. Yaksha Question: How is the control of mind possible? Yudhisthur Answer: Desires, wishes, create excitement in the mind. Victory over desires is a victory over the mind. Comment: The desires are endless. Just like after eating after hunger again, after the fulfillment of one desire the second gets awake. Those desires are painful, which causes excitement. Do not suffer, Daman, Varun Jagaran Only by being aware of desires, they can be conquered. Question: What is true love? Yudhishthar Answer: Seeing yourself in all is true love. Seeing yourself omnipresent is true love. Seeing yourself with everyone is true love. Note: Having feelings of compassion and compassion towards someone is true love. If you think by putting yourself in place of your partner, you will realize that what he thinks and understands. That is also an innocent soul like you. He also has desires, emotions and life. He wants to live a good life but people are not giving him life. Never give up for anyone. Understanding everyone as own or understanding everyone by themselves will only develop a sense of affection. Learn to love yourself. Yaksha Question: Then why does man not love everyone? Yudhishthur Answer: Who can not see himself in everyone, he can not love everyone. Yaxo Question: What is attachment? Yudhisthur Answer: In love, there is demand, expectations and rights attachment. Yaksha Question: What is intoxication? Yudhisthur Answer: Attachment. Yaksha Question: What is liberation? Yudhisthira - Unconciliation (contrary to attachment) is liberation only. Question: Who is the wise? Yudhistha Rashtra: The one who has the discretion. Yaksha Question: Who is the thief? Yudhisthira Answer: The attraction of the senses, which take the senses away are the thieves. Yaksha Question: What is hell? Yudhisthira Answer: The slavery of the senses is hell. Yaksha Question: Who is asleep while awake? Yudhisthira Answer: The one who does not know the soul sleeps while he is awake. Yaksha Question: What is temporary like water lying in lotus leaves? Yudhishthur Answer: Youth, Wealth and Life Yaksha Question: What is the reason for misfortune? Yudhishthri Answer: Item and ego Yaksha Question: What is the reason for good luck? Yudhisthur Answer: Satsanga and Friendship Prices for Everyone. Yaksha Question: Who can destroy all the sorrows? Yudhishthri Answer: All who are ready to leave. Yudhishthur Answer: Not working without reason. This world is the evidence of the existence of that reason. You are, therefore, that too that great reason has been called God in spirituality. He is neither a woman nor a man.   Note: This world or the world is the only proof that God is there. It can not happen without it being. Just like the body is the proof that it is the soul or you are. Only you (the reader and the writer) have been called the soul. God is neither a man nor a woman in the same way as the soul is neither a woman nor a male. Men and women are the body's spirit. If the soul is in the body of a woman like this then that will make sense. Just as water, air and soul have no shape type, but whatever character they are absorbed in them becomes the same.Question: Who does torture till death? Yudhisthur Ans: The crime done in secret. Yoksha Question: What should be considered day and night? Yudhisthira reply: Moments of worldly pleasures - Brittling Yaksha Question: Who wins the world? Yudhisthira Ans: In which there is truth and reverence. Yaxo Question: How is freedom from fear possible? Yudhishthira Answer: From Vairagya Question: Who is free? Yudhisthira Answer: Who is beyond ignorance. Yaksha Question: What is ignorance? Yudhisthur Answer: The lack of ignorance is ignorance. Yaksha Question: Who is free from grief? Yudhisthira Answer: Those who never do anger. Yaksha Question: What is that which is in existence and not even? Yudhisthira Answer: Maya Yaksha Question: What is Maya? Yudhistha Rashtra: The name and form of the destructive universe Yaxo Question: What is the ultimate truth? Yudhisthur Answer: Brahma ... ... Yaksha Question: What is the sun rising from its command? Yudhisthaar: By the command of God, ie Brahma. Note: In Hindu religion, God has been called 'Brahma' (not Brahma). Brahma is the truth, it is written in the Vedas, Upanishads and Geeta. Sun is considered as the spirit of the world in the Vedas. Billions of suns All the stars in the universe are all suns. Without the Sun, there can not be life in the world. Yaksha Question: What is a Brahmin dependent on anybody? On his birth or on temperament nature? Brahmanism is not attained due to Yudhisthira Uttarkul or Vidya. Brahminity is dependent on mood and temperament. Brahmin can not be indulged in. In which there is bad addiction, no matter how much it has been read, Brahmin is not there. Yaksha Question: Who gives with the man? Yudhisthur is the companion of a person. Note: It is the patience to control your senses. Some people speak, think, act, eat, or behave without thinking. Rashness indicates that you are not subject to intellect, emotion and sentimentality. Such people raise their losses in life. In any case, it is necessary to understand patiently in return for giving a quick response.   Yaksha Question: Yakshi asked Yudhishtir who stability is called? What is patience? Who is the bath? And what is the real meaning of charity? Yudhishthaar: 'It is a stability to remain stable in your religion. It is the patience to control your senses. To sacrifice manomalinity is a bath, and the only way to protect the zodiac is only charity. ' Yaksha Question: What is the science, by studying which man becomes intelligent? Yudhisthira Answer: There is no such scripture. Man is made wise by the company of great people. Note: The knowledge is not in the scriptures - the yogi, the meditator and the master is in the connotation. There is a lot of reading scriptures, but very few understand. Shastras can be understood only by experience or experienced. That is why it should always be in the accompaniment of teachers, teachers, saints or satsangs. Yaksha Question: What is the big thing from the land? Yudhisthara is a mother who is carrying a nostalgia in the womb, more than the land. Note: Mother's debt can never be repaid. It is the mother who brings us into this world. Any kind of bitter word for a mother is never happy. Mother has attained the highest position in Hinduism.   Yaksha Question: Who is higher than the sky? Yudhishthar reply   Note: A father higher than the sky happens because he plays the role of an umbrella for you. You blossom only because of the care of her and her feeling. Father's role is important in blossoming in your sky.Sanjay Gupta Moderator Real knowledge Dec 14, 11:59 AM  In the Mahabharata there is a context that preventing the thirsty Pandavas from drinking water, Yaksh had earlier laid down the condition to answer his questions. Yaksha Question is also a Hindi proverb. This proverb is used in reference to any such problem or problem that has not yet been solved or the problem remains the same. This proverb called Yaksha Question came out of the questions asked by the Pandavas in Mahabharata by the Yakshaks. Knowing the conversation between Yaks and Yudhisthira, you will surely be surprised. You may also be looking for answers to some questions in your life. If so, then definitely read it to the end. This is not only the question related to spirituality, philosophy and religion, it is also a question related to your life. Pandavjan was in the forest during his thirteen-year exile. Then they once sought water to quench thirst. The responsibility of managing water was first handed over to Sahdev. Show them a reservoir nearby and they come there to take water.   The invisible Yakshak, the owner of the reservoir, has pledged to answer some of the first questions by blocking them by AIR. Sahdev ignored the condition and the yaksha and started taking water from the reservoir. Then Yakshas made Sahdev dead. On returning to Sahadev, Nakul, Arjun and Bhim Bhim took responsibility for bringing water, respectively. They reached the same reservoir and became lifeless because of disobedience to the conditions of the Yaksha.  Finally, the anxious Yudhishthira himself reached the reservoir. Invisible Yakshas appeared and cautioned them and asked them to answer their questions. Yudhishthira showed patience He not only listened to all the questions of Yaksa but also gave them logical answer, after which the Yaksh was satisfied. After satisfying, what did the yaksh do and what were they to know the question on the next page ... though the question is more but here only a few have been given. Question: Who am I? Yudhisthur Answer: You are neither this body, nor the senses, nor mind, nor intellect. You are the pure consciousness, the consciousness which is the surer. Note: The person should ask himself the question of who I am. What body that will be destroyed at the time of death? Are the five senses, eyes, nose, ears, which will be destroyed with the body? Then what is the mind or wisdom in me? That is, what I think or think - is that? When it comes to deep sleep, it also becomes like closing. Then what am I? If the person himself blinds his eyes on this, then he will understand that I am a pure soul, consciousness and a savior. This will not happen by shutting one eye once. Question: What is the purpose of life? Yudhisthur Answer: The purpose of life is to know the consciousness that is free from the bondage of birth and death. Knowing it is only salvation, it is liberation.   Note: A lot of people can earn money. Prosperity can get out of wealth, but meditation brings inner inner prosperity. After death, the prosperity of the outside will be kept here but inner prosperity will go with you. Maharishi Patanjali has told seven stairs to reach salvation: - Yama, Rama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana and meditation After meditation, Samadhi or salvation is attained automatically. Yaksha Question: What is the reason for birth? Yudhisthira Answer: Unfulfilled desires, wishes and karmal are the reasons for birth.   Note: Birth and death are a habit. The remedy to get rid of this habit is found in Upanishad, Yoga and Geeta. Lusts and wishes are endless. As long as it stays, the karmandbanda will continue and its fruit will also be available. The breaker of this cycle is called Jitendra.   Yaksha Question: Who is free from the bondage of birth and death? Yudhisthira Answer: Knowing that soul itself, that soul is free from the bondage of birth and death.   Note: Who am I and what is my real nature? The one who knows this truth becomes free from the cycle of birth and death. To know this, Ashtanga Yoga should follow. Yaksha Question: - What is the relation of lust and birth? Yudhisthur Answer: - Lies like those desires. If the desires are like animals, then the animal is born in the vagina. If the desires are like humans, the birth of a man in the vagina   Note: The meaning of lust is broad. This is a condition of the mind. We become as we think. In the same way, the way we create the level of consciousness, the same level of consciousness is attained in the next life. For example, the level of a dog's senses is below our senses, but if we drink a bottle of alcohol then the level of our senses will be similar to that dog. The level of consciousness of an eager person is also the same for sexual intercourse. Yaxo Question: Why is the world suffering? Yudhisthur Answer: The reason for the misery of the world is greed, selfishness and fear. Comment: There is no end to greed, there is no friend of selfish and no life of a frightened person. By fear, all kinds of mental disorders are born. Many times, greed becomes the cause of death too. Greed is said to be bad. The greedy person's greed continues to grow and he remains unhappy because of his greed.   The selfish people are found everywhere. The selfish man can also put his life at stake to straighten his owl. Selfishness has jealousy properties in the mind.   Yaxo Question: Then why did God create sadness?What is the father and what the father thinks he is known only by becoming a father. The person who does not understand his father's feelings, his son also follows. The truth of father's words and his love is known only after the person becomes a father. The father is great, who presents himself to his son and daughter, and puts his full experience inside him. Father's education always works in life but father should be a learner too. If your father does not have any significance in your life, then you should stop dreaming of heights. Yaksha Question: Who is faster than air? Yudhisthur Answers Note: The speed of the mind continues continuously. It is difficult to understand its speed. We have read about Goddesses and Gods who have reached anywhere with the speed of mind. Only after thinking about a place, they would get there. Our mind can sit around here and rotate in a capacity of whole earth. About 60 thousand views come in 24 hours in the human mind.   Yaksha Question: What is the slightest thing from the grass? Yudhisthur Uttashchinta   Yaksha Question: Who is the companion of foreigners? Yudhisthira Answer: Vision Yaksha Question: Who is the companion of living in the house? Yudhisthur Answer: Wife. Yaksha Question: Who is the friend of the old age? Yudhisthira Answer: Donation, because he goes along with the one who walks alone after death. Yaksha Question: What is the biggest of the utensils? Yudhisthur Answer: The land is the largest vessel in which everything can be covered. Yaxo Question: What is happiness? Yudhisthur Answer: Pleasure is the thing which is based on virtue and truthfulness. Yaksha Question: On whose release man becomes popular? Yudhishthira Yudhisthur Answer: On the exclusion of ego, man becomes proactive. Yaksha Question: What is sad when you lose it? Yudhisthur: The anger Yaksha Question: What makes a person rich by losing a lot? Yudhisthur Answer: Losing greed. Yaksha Question: What is the biggest surprise in the world? Yudhisthira Answer: Even though many creatures die before the eyes every day, even when people see the dreams of immortality. That's great wonder.   When Yudhisthira gave the answer to all the questions right then what did the Yakshi say ...   Yudhishthar gave the answers to all the questions right in the end, Yaksh said, 'I will raise one of your brothers in Yudhisthira. Then Yudhishthira asked to save his younger brother Nakul. But Yaksh was surprised that you did not think of lifting the heroes like Bhim and Arjuna. ' Yudhisthira: God created the world and man created pain and pleasure from his thoughts and actions.Yudhishthar says, man is protected from religion. My father had two wives. I have survived a son of Kunti. I want a son of Mata Matri too alive. The euphoria became very happy to hear the answer and after giving a boon of Mahabharata, he returned to his dhim.


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