Every day with an ice cream used to sell ice cream in a neighborhood, people in the colony used to have all the money. But he was also a family who was passing through financial constraints. He had a son of four years who used to see the eye cream from the window every day. The ice cream also started to recognize it. But sometimes that boy did not come out of the house to eat ice cream. If one day does not feel like having that ice cream, then go to the window and talk to that child, "Son, do not you like ice cream, do you ever buy my ice cream?" The four year old child said with great innocence, "I love ice cream, but mother does not have money." He came to love this ice cream and got great love for that child. he said , "Son, take me ice cream everyday, I do not want money from you" That child turned out to be very sensible Speak very comfortable, "Can not take, Mother said that taking something for free from someone is a dirty thing, so can not take ice cream without giving anything" He was surprised to hear such a deep thing from the child with ice cream. then he said , "Give me a pappa every day in return for ice cream, in this way I will get the price of ice cream" The child was very happy, he ran out of the house. The ice cream gave him an ice cream and in return, the kid gave an ice cream on the cheeks of that ice cream and ran away and ran inside the house. Now this is what happened to Rose everyday. He would have given ice cream every day with ice cream and instead of a papa, he would give ice cream to that kid. It continued for about a month. But after that the child stopped coming abruptly. Now he was not seen in the window. When it was a few days, do not mind the ice cream and he reached that house. The door opened by the mother of that child The ice cream eagerly asked about that child, then his mother said, "Look, brother, we are poor people, we could not have so much money to feed their child every day for ice cream, you used to feed them ice cream daily for free.On the day when I came to know of this, I felt very embarrassed.You are a good person. But in my son can not eat ice cream for free. " The answer given by the ice cream to the child's mother, can be the reason for you to think about everything, "Who says that he used to eat ice cream for free in that I do not have any kind of kindness or kindness in doing business, and what I got from your son was more valuable than the price of that ice cream. It is only business to recover more of Vaastu, Finding a child's unwavering love is more valuable than getting gold silver coins. You have given your son very good rites, but I ask you, does love have no value? " The mother's eyes became wet with the meaningful words of that ice cream, she called the child, then she came running. When the mother got the gesture, the boy ran and caught the ice cream. The ice cream lifted the child in the lap and started going outside, "I have brought chocolate ice cream today for you. Do not you like it?" Talk to the child enthusiastically, "Yes very"


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