* Really Very Nice * ---------------------------------- Who wished Never found Which found never thought, Who thought Never got Who got Lax did not come, Who lost He remembers Who found on Not handled, Why The strange puzzle is life, Whom No one can get settled ... in life Have to compromise So there is no big deal, Because, Bends the same In which life happens, Strangely Murada is identified. Live life There are two ways! First: Who likes Learn how to achieve it! Second: What is achieved Learn to like it! Live life Not easy; Without struggle No one is great. life Teaches a lot; Ever laughs So sometimes it rises; But who are happy at all times; Life ahead of them The head bends. Laughing face Steal every gum; Say a lot Do not hide anything; Never yourself But celebrate everyone; Is the secret of this life Just go live "Passed life  Never remember What is written in the fate Do not report it ... Whatever will happen, it will remain, You tomorrow Its today's laugh Do not waste ...  Hans sings while dying And also dancing peacocks Cries ... This is the fund's life boss Sad night Do not get scorched And happy night Who sleeps ...           🌾🌾🌾 Given to god Is never short; Break down That is not a resolution; To defeat Keep away from the goal; Because of victory There is no substitute            🌾🌾🌾 Two things in life There is always a breakdown: "Breath and along" By breathing break Humans die only once; By breaking up with someone Person dies momentarily            🌾🌾🌾 Of life The biggest crime - Tears in someone's eye Because of you And of life The biggest achievement - Tears in someone's eye Be it for you             🌾🌾🌾 Live life Not easy; Without struggle There is no great; Till not fall Hammer injury; Stone too God would not have            🌾🌾🌾 According to need, live life Not according to wishes. Because if needed The fate also gets fulfilled; And also the king of kings Remains incomplete.           🌾🌾🌾 Man from morning to evening Not so tired by work; As much as anger and anxiety Tired in a moment.             🌾🌾🌾 in the world Anything for yourself Not created. Such as: Daria Do not drink their own water. Tree - Do not lose your own fruit. Sun - Do not give up for yourself flower - Your scent Do not scatter for yourself. Do you know why? Because for others Live is the real life.            🌾🌾🌾 Ask for So ask your Lord; If you give it And do not give up luck; But from the world Do not ask for it; Because of obeying And do not give embarrassment.            🌾🌾🌾 Anytime Mind 'success' And 'dakami' in the heart Do not give place. Because, Success Boast in mind And in the heart Produces despair.            🌾🌾🌾 Who gives Support throughout the ages. People also in janazey Shoulders keep changing.            🌾🌾🌾 some person No matter how great, Ankha mundkar Do not follow it. If God Had such a motive So he Eye, Nose, ear, Mouth, Why do brain etc? 🙏 So good Share! 💦 Nice Lines 🌀💦🌀💦🌀💦🌀 by water The picture is said, By dreams The fate is said to be, To any relationship Play with a true heart, This life Then get back, Who from Wishes away Everyone from their circumstances Forced, We Just know that Every relationship "pearl" And every friend "Kohinoor" 💎 occurs.


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